Inclusiveness and Diversity Management Plan 2

This Plan is a sequel to the initial Inclusiveness and Diversity Management Plan 1, which set out Re-Value overall approach. 

In this report, the project partners showcase concrete examples of the Re-Value cities’ work with inclusiveness and diversity. 

The report brings us on a journey from Ålesund and its story of reversed inclusion, to Chengene Skele and how the local community preserved their local traditions and attracted tourism through it near Burgas. We then arrive at Cascais and hear the story of local people coming together to make food and cultivate land. Constanța partners tells the story of how they succeeded to close up a boulevard and invite pedestrians back into the car-centred urban areas. We then walk through a beachfront in Rimini which is now being refurbished to welcome people with disabilities and has a playground for all children. Virtual Reality brings us to Písek and the story of how a grandmother’s use of her mobile phone sparked the idea of using technology for the inclusion of inhabitants with disabilities. We then follow Ali and Kemal in İzmir and hear their story of inclusion in the renovation of public space through Citizen Design Science. Rijeka, with its long history of celebrating diversity, tells us of participatory budgeting combined with volunteering. Bruges tackles the divergence of municipal entities through an innovative City Atelier mechanism.

The stories were built and gathered with the cities and supported by a professional coach, together with NTNU. Each city presented its story in an online Re-Value Community of Practice Round.

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