A picture of Pisek with the river and its bridges on the left side and an idyllic impression from the medium-sized town on the right. In the background small mountains are visible in what's either the beginning of sunset or end of a sunrise.

Image by Sergey Dzyuba licensed under Dreamstime


Písek is a charming medium-sized city situated on the banks of the Otava River in South Bohemia, Czechia.


Písek, home to approximately 30,000 people sharing an urban area of just over 63km2, is well grounded in history with its most famous landmark being the historic Písek Stone Bridge bridge underpinning the city’s connection to its waterfront. While the bridge is the oldest oldest surviving bridge in Czechia, Písek is also moving into the future and has in later years made itself noticed in the European smart cities community, proving that sustainable, data-driven and forward looking solutions is not the prerogative only of the modern metropolis. 

Combined with its tranquil riverfront and cultural heritage, Písek showcases the harmonious coexistence of nature, history, and commitment to sustainable development.


In the Re-Value project, Písek aims to integrate the principles of the New European Bauhaus into its urban development process and enhance the connection between the urban space, residents, and the river.

The municipality organises their work in Re-Value through its Smart Písek initiative and is supported strongly by Ecoten specialised in the science behind and techniques to develop urban environments, and the creative partner Sladovna Písek, a living cultural centre. The partners will collectively work to enhance Písek’s capabilities in using digital support tools for decision making, planning and inclusive urban design, and will include the local population through dedicated creative workshops on sustainability. This work will be strengthened through feasibility studies that will enable the Písek to gain the necessary knowledge, develop the required partnerships and attract investment funding for full-scale deployment of its plans continuing after the project period

Key Numbers


Local partners in Re-Value




Bridges in the urban area


Journey to Change - at European Week of Regions and Cities
Albert Borschette Congress Center Rue Froissart 36 1040 - Bruxelles Belgium

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Re-Value Innovation Cycles experience-based report 1

Discover how the Re-Value cities are using three types of Innovation Cycles to help them develop narratives for this transformation, find and apply the relevant...

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A photo of a group of students presenting
Pisek invites youth to contribute ideas

In its first  Innovation Camp, Písek hosted 47 students to create ideas for future urban planning. 

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