İzmir Metropolitan Municipality (IMM)
İzmir is a large metropolis in the western of Anatolia and the third most populous city in Turkey, after Istanbul and Ankara. İzmir Metropolitan Municipality is an institution that provides service to nearly 4,5 million population with its approximately 15.000 workers. The service area of the Municipality involves 30 districts. İzmir Metropolitan Municipality acts in its strategy as “governing the city together with its residents” while striving to allow the people of Izmir to live in a well-planned, healthy clean and more modern environment.
İzmir will fine-tune and expand its holistic design strategy to support citizens’ interaction based on İzmirSea project. İzmir will further develop the environmental dashboard, try it in relation to urban flood management and ecosystem vulnerability and test how this information can be included in data-driven scenario-building like informing politicians and other decision makers.
Website: https://www.izmir.bel.tr/en/Home
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