Rimini launches new agenda for sustainable urban development

A picture of a large group of people sitting down outside listening to a presentation. In the foreground is a banner including Re-Values logo and a statement to many of the projects being funded by European funds

Image by Municpality of Rimini

On June 22, the Municipality of Rimini presented to its inhabitants the new Urban Transformative Agenda for Sustainable Development consisting of seven actions, 5 material and 2 immaterial ones.

The Agenda focuses on the sustainable redevelopment and regeneration of the area of San Giuliano, a peculiar neighborhood of Rimini, since it is developed between the historical city center and the sea and overlooks the harbor.

The new Agenda is funded by 80% through The European Regional Development Fund and The European Social Fund Plus.  

One of the projects is the redevelopment of the portion of the waterfront of San Giuliano, with the creation of the Parco del Mare in the area, the urban park along the coastline of Rimini, where development is also a key part of the local project.

San Giuliano is also a pilot area upon which Re-Value’s project focuses and it was the place where the Agenda was presented by the President of the Emilia-Romagna Region, Mr. Stefano Bonaccini, and the Mayor of Rimini, Mr. Jamil Sadegholvaad. 

In fact, a central point of action for Re-Value’s effort is Parco del Mare in its entirety.

The Agenda concurs with the city's ecological transition, together with the promotion of environmental sustainability, social inclusion, and economic growth, and will be implemented in synergy with Re-Value’s actions in support of the city's path toward the ambitious goal of climate neutrality

On the occasion of the official launch, the Mayor of Rimini, Mr. Jamil Sadegholvaad, called the Agenda: “A structural action of 'urban democracy' and a qualitative leap in terms of tourist attractiveness.”

Learn more about Rimini’s Urban Transformative Agenda for Sustainable Development on the local website.

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A picture of two gentlemen presenting the Rimini plans. They sit in front of two large banners showing documents to the camera

Image by Municipality of Rimini

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