CLIMABOROUGH Preliminary Market Consultations in 8 European Cities

Supported by ANCI Toscana, the Cities of Athens, Cascais, Differdange, Grenoble, Ioannina, Maribor, Sofia and Torino are hosting individual Preliminary Market Consultations (PMCs) from 3 to 19 July 2023. The cities are part of the CLIMABOROUGH project sharing the Re-Value focus on urban design and planning in support of climate neutrality.
The consulatations have the objective of acquiring information about socio-technical solutions that exist on the market or result from previous R&D projects that can be procured by ANCI Toscana, on behalf of the Cities, for the creation of 8 “Green and Climate neutral City Hubs” in domains like waste management, green energy and sustainable mobility, with the active participation and contribution of citizens.
The public procurement call, which will be launched in September, will award 16 service providers (2 per City) able to meet specific challenges and predefined needs related to the creation of the local Hubs, with a budget of about €287.500 per City. The procurement procedure used will be an Innovation partnership, allowing a high degree of experimentation and innovation in a flexible manner.
Learn more about each session on CLIMABOROUGH's website:
CLIMABOROUGH is a project with the ambition to bridge the gap between design and implementation of urban innovations, particularly in the face of climatic change and its consequential needs for adaptation and mitigation.
CLIMABOROUGH is a closely connected project to Re-Value and is also funded by CINEA to work on Urban Planning and Design in the framework of the ‘100 Climate Neutral and Smart Cities Mission’.
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