Re-Value Monitoring & Evaluation Model (Initial Version)
The report presents the first version of the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework of the Re-Value project. The core Re-Value ambition is to understand how to better integrate and adapt urban transformation processes to accelerate the transition to climate neutrality, with a process-oriented approach. With the M&E Framework, project-level Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are defined and operationalised, in order to monitor and document how the project creates impact through its activities, pilots, results, outcomes and long-term impacts, identifying distinct roles and responsibilities for the project partners. Furthermore, it will help identify areas of improvement by feeding back to the various project activities.
The M&E Framework is based on the project’s pathways to impact, as identified in the Description of Action during the proposal phase. The M&E Key Performance Indicators aim to track the following:
- Results that are to be delivered within the duration of the project;
- CDE measures that the project uses to communicate and disseminate various project results within and beyond the Re-Value cities ecosystem;
- Outcomes that can be observed in the mid-term as a result of communication and dissemination of project Results to direct target groups, among others within the Re-Value cities;
- Impacts in the longer term and outside of the project’s boundaries, including long-term effects on society.
The resulting M&E Framework will be updated annually in an iterative process with the full deployment in the Leading Cities (WP2-WP5), the learning and replication in the Replication Cities and across all cities (WP6), the Impact Model development (WP1), and the results of communication, dissemination and advocacy activities with other cities and communities (WP8 and WP9). Further, the M&E Framework, as described in this Deliverable, will be used as a basis to perform the evaluations that will be reported in D7.2 Re-Value M&E Report 1 (and subsequent versions), as part of Task 7.2: Monitoring and documentation of impact.
Publication date:

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