The report constitutes the first deliverable on the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of Re-Value’s project impacts. The Re-Value M&E Framework has been developed in deliverable D7.1: Re-Value Monitoring & Evaluation Model (initial version), and comprises four types of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): 

  • Results that are to be delivered within the duration of the project;
  • Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation (CDE) measures that the project uses to communicate and disseminate various project results within and beyond the Re-Value cities ecosystem;
  • Outcomes that can be observed in the mid-term as a result of communication and dissemination of project Results to direct target groups, among others within the Re-Value cities;
  • Impacts in the longer term and outside of the project’s boundaries, including long-term effects on society.

This first version of the M&E progress report focuses on the Results and CDE measures primarily, since the mid-term Outcomes and long-term Impacts require project results to be available for further engagement and dissemination. For each KPI, the progress in the first year is reported (January 2023 to December 2023), together with lessons learned, when relevant. 

In the first sense-making phase of the project, all partners became acquainted with the local context, challenges and opportunities of each city, and familiarised themselves with the latest research and best practices for integrated urban planning and design to accelerate climate neutrality. Planned activities were initiated in order to reach project results, and while in some cases delays in the foreseen timelines occurred, these provided valuable insights to help guide and adapt the processes in the following steps. Lessons were gathered regarding the M&E Framework itself and its KPIs, but also regarding particularities of working with diverse city contexts, and planning replication within the Cities Mission environment. Feedback from our first experiences with local workshops and activities were overall positive, yielding more specific lessons to be picked up by other interested cities and projects.

Following this report, the Re-Value M&E Framework will be updated based on learnings gathered regarding the KPIs. The new version is foreseen in the upcoming deliverable D7.3: Re-Value M&E Model (first intermediate version). The next reporting of project impact progress in the second year will be included in the following deliverable D7.5: Re-Value M&E Report 2, due in December 2024.

Publication date:


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