Re-Value Impact dialogues with NetZeroCities 1
The regular exchange of knowledge with the NetZeroCities Platform happens mainly during the cluster meetings initiated by CINEA, with DG RTD, NetZeroCities, Re-Value and its two sister projects UP2030 and CLIMABOROUGH funded under the same call. NTNU is the main partner for dialogues between projects and platforms, as Project Coordinator. Linked to these cluster meetings, confidential inception reports prepared by the projects describe progress in terms of achieving our Key Performance Indicators and status updates of the Living Labs in each city. The first cluster meeting was held in Brussels in February 2023, where Re-Value presented its plans. In June 2024, during the annual NetZeroCities event in Valencia, Re-Value also shared the design and implementation of the Impact Model and Innovation Cycles.
The project is also present with a private group on the NetZeroCities Portal and aims to contribute to the Portal’s Knowledge Repository with key results further in the project. Re-Value additionally supports its cities to participate in national networks and platforms under development to support the Cities Mission and with other cities who share similar climate action ambitions. Only İzmir was selected as a Mission City (and has since received a Mission Label for their Climate City Contract). However Re-Value cities Ålesund, Cascais, and Constanța have been involved in or plan to apply to participate in their respective Mission-supportive national platforms and networks.
Re-Value and NetZeroCities further had monthly meetings to align Re-Value’s Impact Model with NetZeroCities’ Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Framework. VITO is the main representative of the project in these meetings, during which the overall approaches, Key Performance Indicators, as well as identification and documentation of co-benefits, impact pathways, and use cases are discussed and compared. Both projects share similar strategic approaches, considering systemic changes beyond greenhouse gas emissions, emphasising alignment with cities' current indicators and enabling strategic learning, sensemaking processes and learning loops for cities. Furthermore, they are aligned and complementary in terms of impact assessment and indicators.
Feedback from these dialogues is used by the Re-Value Cities and Work Packages to fine-tune our activities and share outcomes further through outreach, communication and dissemination towards the EU Cities Mission, the NetZeroCities Mission Platform and the New European Bauhaus (WP8, led by ICLEI) .

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