Re-Value Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan 2
The report provides an update, mainly centred on measurable KPIs set in relation to the first 18 months of the project, of the first overview of Re-Value’s plans for Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation (CDE) which was submitted in September of 2023.
As such, it keeps word-to-word its focus on how Re-Value will succeed with its plan by deploying an open, transparent and inclusive form of communication both in the nine cities that are part of the partnership and from the core “communication centre” driven by ICLEI Europe. The report therefore keeps the main objective (support the path to climate neutrality by increasing the emphasis on re-valuing what cities should do), tools and responsibilities by partners, but provide a brief look back and clear path to increased impact going forward through the key message that “Through collaborative urban design and planning, Re-Value makes the urban transition to climate neutrality irresistible”.
This report also benefits from a more mature project, by providing a clearer timeline of activities and the key plans for the coming years and what key steps especially the cross-European partners can take to ensure Re-Value delivers to the wider sphere of passionate Europeans working towards a more sustainable continent. Unlike the first version, this report aims to provide detailed planning for many of the activities Re-Value partners will do as a consortium in the next three years. This plan is not focused on the specific activities planned in each of the nine Re-Value cities as that is the topic of other reports (Deliverable 8.3 and the future Deliverable 8.7). The plans in this report will be updated in Deliverable 8.8 in M34.

Publication date:
Authors: ICLEI Europe
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