Innovation Camps Report

JA Europe together with all 9 Re-Value cities aims to hold Innovation Camps in each city to specifically target youth and parents to build awareness and skills to shape local planning and design, and more broadly climate neutrality processes. Throughout its network of branch organisations in each city, JA Europe is organising Innovation Camps with young people in order to raise awareness about climate-neutrality and its challenges in decision making processes and engage young generation in active citizenship.

Throughout the implementation of the intense idea-generation project-based learning programmes, municipalities are working together with JA local chapters as well as schools and teachers, to address the systemic challenges of the Waterfront Pilots and the long-term TTPs (Territorial Transformation Plans) towards climate neutrality. Thanks to its diverse stakeholders engagement participants are reflecting on the different views of the challenges defined as well as proposed solutions.

The report provides an overview of the methodology and components used to plan Innovation Camps in all Re-Value Cities in the coming years. It does not report back on the Innovation Camps that took place in the fall of 2023, as they will be the focus of future reports.

Publication date:

Languages: English

Authors: JA Europe

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